How to Get High Cheekbones For Men – #4 is INSTANT
As a guy, you want those sexy, defined cheekbones Huh ! High cheekbones are almost always regarded as a sign of aesthetics, and defined cheekbones make your face look more boosted and attractive. sadly, as we age, we all lose face definition, especially in the cheeks.
Genetics is not the only factor in developing high cheekbones that are more prominent.
If you want more defined cheekbones then you have come to the right place today. I’m going to tell you exactly how to get those high cheekbones.
Table of Contents
High Cheekbones.
One of the most unique features found among the models is high cheekbones. Why is that ? Do you think that by accident?
If so, then you are absolutely wrong. It is by a strategic design.
While psychologists say that people make snap judgments of your character within seconds by just looking at your face. Each little different detail of your face says something else about you.
Whether its trustworthiness, approachability, dominance or just overall facial attractiveness. So it can absolutely be advantageous trying to achieve high defined cheekbones.
I’m going to give you three ways that you can achieve high defined cheekbones. So let’s dive right in !
What are high cheekbones ?
High cheekbones can be found by observing the OG curve. This is an S shaped curve that can be seen when looking at the face at about 45 degree angle.
Different Kinds Of High Cheekbones.
True Cheekbones.
True cheekbones are when the zygomatic bone actually Protrudes beyond the width of your midface. So the bone is actually wider than the actual mid face.
And this purely comes down to genetics. So you can be thankful for your parents and your ancestors for that, because it’s genetically predisposed. So don’t worry about your true cheekbones.
Pseudo Cheekbones.
But we can change our pseudo cheekbones. Unlike true cheekbones our pseudo cheekbones give an illusion of having more prominent high cheekbones.
And you can do this by manipulating the surrounding features of your face Such as your cheeks, your jaw muscles and your jawline.
So how do we do that ? A lot of times Where you see a model that might look like they have high cheekbones but in reality They just have these underdeveloped cheeks and mid face muscles that lie under the cheek.
And if this is underdeveloped and they have low body fat then they have a bit of a hollow cheek look, which gives the illusion of having higher prominent cheekbones.
High Cheekbones For Men.
1. Reducing Body Fat.
So the first thing that you can do to achieve this illusion of having a hollow cheekbone look is to reduce your body fat. yeah, that simply It.
If the structure that lies underneath you know the bones in the muscles are covered with fat You’re not even going to see what lies underneath.
Just like any other part of the body like the arms, your abs, or your legs if it’s covered in fat then you won’t know what’s underneath that fat.
So the first thing you must do, and this is non-negotiable, is to reduce your body fat percentage in the form of limiting your Caloric intake. If you’re in a calorie deficit Then your body has no choice but to Burn fat for energy which reveals the structure that lies underneath.
You can speed up this process by doing cardio and Helping your body to burn those calories and that energy and those fat stores. I know it’s probably not the answer you want to hear, but that’s the truth my friend.
But it is an investment that will definitely help you to achieve those high cheekbones.
How Can You Get High Cheekbones?
It’s true that jawlines are often transferred genetically. This also applies to the features on your mouth, chin, nose, and cheekbones.
Unlike the rest of our body, our facial features are most likely inherited. When considering cheekbone structure, the following factors are crucial:
- quantity of fat around the cheekbones
- Jawline structure
- Aging Factor
However, cheekbones are somewhat changeable. You can grow your cheekbones by reshaping your bone structure in a number of natural methods.
Mewing, for instance. You can see some amazing mewing transformations that demonstrate how face workouts can change your cheeks.
So the next thing you can do to achieve that high cheekbones is the practice called mewing.
2. Mewing.
Mewing involves only a few basic principles. The development of these masseter muscles comes first. These are the muscles that support the corners of your jaw, giving the illusion of a wide, prominent jawline.
So how do you achieve that ? By simply chewing hard, tough foods. It makes sense just like any other muscles. If you activate it, you exercise it and you’ve reached hypertrophy. Then it has no choice but to grow and develop.
Well, here’s where the Magic comes in. When you bulk up these masseter muscles as they grow, they will pull your skin tighter, which will make your face’s skin look flatter and give more of a hollow cheek appearance.
In return, the Hollow Cheekbones appearance gives you the high cheekbone look. This came naturally to our parents, or even our ancestors Who were chewing the tough foods, nuts, Hard meats and coconuts.
Thus, these huge muscles evolved naturally in them. Also, it is currently very difficult for us to genuinely have those high cheekbones. because you consume a lot of processed and softer foods.
For that you have to do mewing. Mewing is basically, pressing your tongue up against the Roof of your mouth. This will bring your double chin up and it will create that right angle of that submental triangle.
But it’s important that you don’t overdo the mewing or chewing gum causing an injury to the jaw.
How Do Models Get Their Cheekbones?
A model or actor dedicates their entire life to maintaining their good looks. They actually use multiple items at once. We’re discussing applying a variety of exercises as well as skincare routines.
The problem is that they never stop! For as long as they intend to continue in the business, they perform all of these tasks every single day.
3. Reduce Chubby Cheeks.
Being an obese is one of the ugliest traits you can ever have. Don’t get mad about it but I’m just telling the truth here.
Especially around your cheeks is a sign of poor dieting, A little physical activity, aging and genetics. So to fix your chubby cheeks and to have more defined cheekbones, you’re going to take a two step approach.
- Lose Face Fat.
You’re going to have to lose face fat. For that, You’re gonna have to reduce the total body fat if you want to reduce the chubby cheeks and to have high Cheekbones..
- Drink more water.
Increase the consumption of water. Use water to remove your chubby cheeks as it helps to fill your stomach and you can cut off the fat by doing exercises on a regular basis.
4. Gently Bite Cheeks.
By slightly biting the insides of your cheeks you can get instant high cheekbones. This is a modeling trick used for photo shoots, runways and you can use it whenever you want.
It’s so simple. You just have to slightly suck in your cheeks and bite down very slightly on the inside of your cheek. It’s very simple. It pulls in your cheek giving you that Little bit of defined cheek appearance.
Which makes your cheekbones look higher and more prominent. You want to find a sweet spot where you just slightly suck in your cheeks and bite down so you can make a little bit of illusion of having a more defined cheekbone appearance.
It’s gonna take some practice, and you can stand in front of the mirror and try it out. It definitely gives you an instant illusion of having high cheekbones.
5. Chewing gum
Chewing gum is one of the easiest ways of improving your jawline definition and to have more defined cheekbones.
Chewing gum tightens up the entire jawline and chin area because it uses the muscles in your neck and jaw.
Likewise, if you chew constantly, your jaw muscles will be used constantly throughout the day. Chewing gum is a great way to build stronger jaw muscles.
You can play with it for hours on end and observe that its continuous action sharpens your jawline which helps to give you that high cheekbones.
6. Have a Clean Diet.
It should start from the inside, if you want to look younger, attractive, and healthier. However, don’t confuse dieting with weight loss.
The first is a balanced diet that provides the best results for your health, skin, cheekbones, and moods when paired with exercise, enough sleep, and a generally healthy lifestyle!
Foods That Make Your Cheekbones Grow.
Surprising to you, your diet has an impact on achieving the ideal shape of your cheekbones. You have to add the following food choices into your regular diet:
You can get high cheekbones with spinach, Tangerines promote a sharp jawline, Avocado provides smooth skin and bright eyes, Red pepper is the best for having naturally full lips And Oysters help you grow Cheekbones.
Drink a lot of water (at least 2 liters every day): It defines the face and muscles. So that’s gonna do it. Guys, I hope you enjoyed reading this article. Let me know in the comments anything else you want me to cover.
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